Deploy Your RDS environment

How does it work?

This technology (supplemented by an adequate security service) allows you to work on a virtual server through a Windows session available both from your office and remotely. Remote Desktop Services (RDS) technology is offered by Microsoft Windows Server. It provides a cost-effective multisession environment that can manage the daily workload of each user through a secure cloud.

  • Hosting in a secure environment
    The RDS environment is hosted in a virtual machine (VM) where the right applications to meet your needs are installed and available.
  • Connect to a server in a few clicks
    By using the Remote Desktop Services (available for Microsoft Windows, Linux and MacOS), different users can connect to a server session. This space and its access can be consolidated by a secure application such as VPN.
  • One resource, many users
    The main advantage is of a RDS environment is that your infrastructure resources can be shared. The session is accessible regardless of the device (PC, smartphone or tablet) and its brand. Users can access the same operating system simultaneously.
Main benefits
As most business make a common suite of software available to all users, RDS technology is a huge source of savings. Where users require boutique software this is also catered for. In addition to meeting the traditional challenges of IT resources optimization and securing and controlling data, this technology has many other advantages:


Microsoft desktop services

Deploy your new environment

Microsoft's remote desktop protocol, which has been around for more than 20 years, continues to evolve. Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is the platform to choose for cost-effective hosting of Windows applications and sessions.

AZ Informatique quickly deploys your “Remote Desktop Services” (RDS) environment within your company. Once configured, you can connect to published desktops and apps from a variety of platforms and devices, using the application on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.